
One Week in Albania: Central Albania (Day 2)

We woke up early, still tired from exploring the north. We were in the countries’ capital, Tirana, and the plan for the day was to drive all the way down south, to near the border with Greece. Along the way, we would stop at various towns and landmarks. We passed through Berat and Gjirokastër, made a detour through the mountains of Çorovodë, before finally arriving in the coastal town of Sarandë.

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One Week in Albania: The North (Day 1)

Our travel through Southeast Europe advanced rather quickly—changing cities every other day, we decided it was time to slow down a bit. As we were being hosted by Herta’s family we figured we’d spend a week in Albania.

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San Giovanni’s Castle of Kotor

A logical next destination when traveling south from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina is Montenegro. At first, we didn’t really know what there was to see in this small country, but after hearing our fellow travelers rave about Kotor, we decided to take a bus there and see it for ourselves.

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Scars Turned into Roses: Sarajevo & Mostar

Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is situated a few hours’ drive out from both Split and Dubrovnik. If you choose to take the bus or train there, you will often find yourself transiting through picturesque Mostar, located only one hour from the Croatian border. Bosnia and Herzegovina has come a long way from its turbulent past, and is a country well worth visiting.

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Croatia’s Adriatic Coast: Split & Dubrovnik

After spending a few weeks in Central Europe, it was great to be near the water again. We arrived in Split from Zagreb and Krka National Park, left our luggage at the hotel, and went out to enjoy this typical Adriatic and Croatian city. Next to Split, we visited Dubrovnik, where we enjoyed the old medieval city, and found a nearby beach to enjoy the warm waters of the Adriatic Sea.

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About Us

We, Mark & Herta, are currently backpacking through Europe, and eventually planning to settle in London. Beyond that? The possibilities are endless.

Read Mark & Herta’s full story.

We are currently in … London